Wikitōria Day
- Broadcaster
- Fluent in Te Reo
- MC
- Voice
Wikitōria (Ngāi Tūhoe) is the owner of Maniapoto based, Taukaea Limited – a te ao Māori consultancy and content creation company, where she is the principal consultant, director & producer.
Raised in her tribal homeland, tikanga and te reo Māori have always played an integral part in her life - both of which she continues to be committed to. With over twelve years of experience in the media industry, Wikitōria has extensive knowledge in broadcasting. She is an award-winning radio show host and a former Whakaata Māori (formerly known as Māori TV) news anchor, producer and reporter. Since leaving Whakaata Māori in 2020, Wikitōria made the transition into a reo Māori consultant role for Three’s inaugural Māori Language Week campaign – a role she instantly loved and was passionate about. This role led to various other projects which have seen her become both a cultural and reo Māori advisor for companies such as Discovery, Brandworld, Mahi Tahi Media and Electric Kiwi, and Z just to name a few.
Her most recent work took her back to Discovery as the reo Māori advisor, working with well-known presenters and personalities of the company. During this campaign, she translated the first ever reo Māori version of the prime time show The Project, presented entirely in te reo Māori- a major career highlight for Wikitōria.
At the end of 2022, Wikitoria hosted the International Women in Sport conference in Auckland – a first for Aotearoa.